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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

How to make a great impression on a second date...

So I'm a single guy living in SW London who has just turned the wrong side of 40. I think I've been single for far too long and am now looking out for Miss right whilst trying to avoid ending up in a nasty mess with Miss wrong. A couple of weeks ago I met a girl for a first date (she'd contacted me on over a drink and amongst other things we talked about the difficulties of meeting the right kind of people as you get older. We shared a couple of ideas one of which was to go to a Film Club night (you watch a film and then gather as a group afterwards to discuss its merits, drawbacks etc.) and I said I'd let her know when the next one was.

About a week later I got an email from aforementioned Film Club letting me know that there was a meeting on Monday (y'day) and the film was "The Killer Inside Me". Now in hindsight this was probably not the most suitable film to take a girl who hardly knew me on a second date to but for some reason I focussed on the fact that it had been relatively well reviewed (in truth there's very little else on at the moment that appeals) and had generated alot of feedback and discussion. I also knew, having read one of the reviews, that there was a particularly gruesome scene (showing the killer punching a prostitute in the face until it starts to collapse) but brain let that pass too. So we met up 20 mins beforehand and she asked what I'd been up to. I mentioned amongst other things that I'd be drinking wine that afternoon whilst watching some amusing youtube videos including an impromptu and very funny piano guy engaging with some punters on chat roulette. This probably is strange behaviour but I had been on edge all day waiting for a job offer and I just didn't know what to do with myself.

So after that slightly awkward start we grabbed our seats as the film was about to start and the sickening scene (I had forewarned my date but I imagine she had no idea it was going to be as bad as it was) arrived about 15 mins in. I immediately felt uncomfortable as well as a bit sick, my body became rigid and I struggled to follow or enjoy the rest of the film which contained additional scenes of S&M and brutal violence towards women. What was my date thinking? I don't know because as she reminded me afterwards I hadn't bothered to ask her whether she was ok and whether she wanted to continue watching the film. Basically I'd frozen solid.

Things didn't get any better as we joined the Film Club group (who I suppose were pretty nerdy) and my date proceeded to tell everyone that this had been my choice as a second date. I sat in my seat pretty gormlessly until my date turned to me and asked for my perspective on the film. As one head after the other turned towards me I finally spluttered something incredibly obvious and unenlightening about the killer being a born pyschopath and woman-hater. There were no more worthwhile contributions from me and I was delighted when my date indicated that perhaps it would be a good idea to say goodbye to our new friends and move on. I am laughing now but this unsurprisingly has to be the worst choice of film ever to take a date to who is trying to get to know you! What a dumb arse!

1 comment:

  1. As long as you were apologetic afterwards, it shouldn't really have mattered. If she still had a problem with it - perhaps she's hard work!
